Creating A Beautiful Home

  • Adding A Fire Pit To Your New Patio Space? 3 Activities To Enjoy With This Feature

    21 September 2016

    Improving your backyard can be achieved by upgrading the landscape or hardscape. If you have decided that you want to add more functional space to the backyard with a custom patio, you may be looking at the different features that you can introduce to this specific area. It is likely that you will want a full or partial cover to protect yourself from the beating sun, as well as seating and possibly some tables that are able to fit on the patio paving.

  • On Top Of The World -- A Guide To Landscaping A High Elevation Yard

    24 August 2016

    Living at a high elevation usually comes with a few challenges that those in lower climes don't have to face. When landscaping your yard, these challenges can come on multiple fronts—from the soil, the winter and the wildlife. But you can win the battle with your yard. Here's a handy guide to successful mountain landscaping. Learn Your Soil. The first step you'll need to take is to get to know your particular type of soil.

  • 2 Ways To Reduce The Strain On Your Cooling System

    27 July 2016

    Summer is exceedingly hard on your cooling system, mostly because the high temperatures can force you to keep your air conditioner on for much longer periods of time, which can put a very large amount of strain on the system. Listed below are two ways to reduce the strain on your home's cooling system throughout the summer. Clean The Air Filter One piece of air conditioner maintenance that seems to be overlooked most often is cleaning the air filter.

  • Have A Backyard That Is Sensitive To Wind? Grow Trees To Reduce The Negative Effects

    5 July 2016

    Wind is a considerable problem in some areas. If you do not stop the wind, you could have things blowing around in your backyard, which is not something you want to worry about on a consistent basis. One solution is to just get rid of everything that is sensitive in the landscape and let the wind flow. A superior plan is to create a wind break on your property to help you avoid most wind-related issues.

  • Managing Invasive Roots To Protect Your Foundation From Damage

    8 June 2016

    Trees add natural beauty and style to your home, but their roots can cause a variety of problems with your foundation that can threaten the safety of your home. Tree removal is often a necessity, but it's possible to avoid this solution. Types Of Damage That Roots Can Cause To Foundations Trees with invasive roots grow incredibly fast and can push up against your foundation as they grow. As they grow, they can start putting pressure on the foundation, potentially damaging its structural integrity.

  • Captured And Framed: Creative Ways Birdwatchers Can Show Off And Preserve Their Best Bird Photos

    17 May 2016

    If you enjoy watching and photographing birds, nothing is more exciting than capturing the perfect image of your feathered friends. Bird photography is hard, and you may take hundreds of photos before you find one that stands out as the perfect picture. Getting your photos off the camera and on display will give you the opportunity to share your best bird pictures with others. It will also allow you to see the rewards of your patience and preserve your best shots.

  • How Can You Rid Your Lawn Of Dandelions Without Using Chemicals?

    20 April 2016

    Even if you don't mind the cheery yellow appearance of dandelions in your own yard each spring, you may grow tired of the wispy white pollen covering your lawn and the unsightly stalks that remain after these dandelions have gone to seed. In other cases, you could even be subject to homeowner's association (HOA) restrictions or covenants that require you to maintain a dandelion-free yard or face monetary fines and penalties.