Creating A Beautiful Home

How Can You Rid Your Lawn Of Dandelions Without Using Chemicals?

by Serenity Harris

Even if you don't mind the cheery yellow appearance of dandelions in your own yard each spring, you may grow tired of the wispy white pollen covering your lawn and the unsightly stalks that remain after these dandelions have gone to seed. In other cases, you could even be subject to homeowner's association (HOA) restrictions or covenants that require you to maintain a dandelion-free yard or face monetary fines and penalties. However, you may still be reluctant to utilize heavy-duty weed killers or other chemicals on your lawn to get rid of this tenacious flower. Read on to learn more about some natural and chemical-free ways to keep your lawn as dandelion-free as possible all summer long.

Why should you avoid the use of chemical herbicides on dandelions?

One reason dandelions are so pervasive is their unique root structure. If you've ever tried to pull out a dandelion by its base and come up with only a thin stalk, you may have encountered the tap root -- a thick central root that burrows deeply into the soil and makes the plant very resistant to pulling through ordinary means. This tap root also makes it more difficult for herbicides to fully kill the dandelion -- especially without harming surrounding grasses and plants. As a result, it's usually best to try to tackle a dandelion infestation through more natural means.

What can you do to remove your dandelions without the use of chemicals? 

  • Dandelion digger

For those who want to fully rid their lawns of any trace of dandelions, a dandelion digger can be a handy tool. This device looks much like a post-hole digger, with a fish-shaped piece of metal at the end designed to fully sever the tap root and uproot the entire plant in one piece. 

  • Hot water

Another viable option that can kill dandelions without targeting the surrounding plants and grasses is boiling water. Pouring this hot water directly on the plant won't kill it immediately, but after a few days you'll notice it has shriveled and become brown. You can then manually remove the dandelion by hand or simply leave it in place to fertilize the soil.

If you choose this option, it's important to perform it early in the growing season -- killing dandelions that have already gone to seed may improve the look of your lawn this year, but will leave an exponentially higher number of dandelions for you to tackle next year. 

  • Frequent mowing

Another way to prevent the spread of dandelions is to mow on a more frequent basis. By cutting off the dandelion stems before they've had an opportunity to go to seed, you'll be able to prevent them from spreading -- letting you tackle your existing dandelions without worrying about making the problem even worse for yourself in the future. 

If you're still struggling to maintain a dandelion-free lawn after following these tips, seek the advice of a weed control company like Snyder's Weed Control.
