30 January 2015
Garbage is becoming a very big problem in the United States since the average person produces about 4.3 pounds of garbage per day. This translates to about 220 million tons of waste for the year with about 72 million tons of this being paper or paperboard material. Even though much of this paper is recycled to make new products and reduce the amount of new material that would be required to meet the demands of modern life, that is still a lot of trash to contend with in the garbage collection system.
27 January 2015
If you have internal doors in your home that need to be painted, this can be an easy DIY project to take on. Whether doors are old or recently replaced, painting doors and door frames can immediately upgrade the look of your home. Here are five tips for painting doors and door frames within your home. 1. Keep Doors Installed Painting inside while doors are installed is the quickest, most simple way for your painting job.
22 January 2015
Brick is one of the oldest known building materials--it dates back to 7,000 BC, when bricks were made out of sun-dried mud. Today, brick is generally made out of fired clay, which is not only weather resistant and fire-proof, but also has a life expectancy of hundreds of years. Because of its durability, many homeowners opt to use brick in their home's construction. However, it's not only useful as a home exterior.
16 January 2015
If you are preparing to move from one home to another, you are probably trying to figure out what the best way to proceed with your move is. Many don't realize how time-consuming the process of moving is until they are stuck in the middle of it all. One of the best things you can do to help simplify the process is to get a self-storage unit to make your move simpler, faster, cheaper and far less stressful.
8 January 2015
You might know pillbugs by their cute nicknames: rolly pollies. These bugs, also known as sowbugs, live in moist areas and wet soil. Though they will not harm a human being directly, they can certainly cause a bit of damage. For this reason, many homeowners opt to exterminate the insects or to create an environment that they do not find welcoming. Here are a few reasons to consider doing the same this year.
6 January 2015
It has been estimated that there are 10 quintillion bugs alive on earth. While they may do a lot to keep the earth functioning, chances are you do not want them living in your home. Here are seven things you can do to keep those bugs outside where they belong. 1. Repair your screen door. Bugs can find their way in through even the tiniest tears (especially when it is dark outside and they are drawn to the lights inside).
29 December 2014
If you have stainless steel appliances, chances are, you probably have a problem keeping them clean and free of fingerprints. You may have a scratch or two on them as well, and that may make them look a little unsightly. Stainless steel appliances that are plain stainless are a lot more difficult to keep clean than other appliance colors, like black, white, or satina, which are supposed to mimic stainless. Stainless steel requires a little bit of extra maintenance to keep it looking new.